aba |
Add Accumulator B to Accumulator A |
Adds the contents of accumulator B to the contents of accumulator A and
places the result in accumulator A. Accumulator B is not changed. This instruction
affects the H condition code bit so it is suitable for use in BCD arithmetic operations
(see DAA instruction for additional information).
abx |
Add Accumulator B to Index Register X |
Adds the 8-bit unsigned contents of accumulator B to the contents of index
register X (IX) considering the possible carry out of the low-order byte of the index
register X; places the result in index register X (IX). Accumulator B is not changed.
There is no equivalent instruction to add accumulator A to an index register.
aby |
Add Accumulator B to Index Register Y |
Adds the 8-bit unsigned contents of accumulator B to the contents of index
register Y (IY) considering the possible carry out of the low-order byte of the index
register Y; places the result in index register Y (IY). Accumulator B is not changed.
There is no equivalent instruction to add accumulator A to an index register.
adca |
Add with Carry A |
Adds the contents of the C bit to the sum of the contents of ACCX and M
and places the result in ACCX. This instruction affects the H condition code bit so
it is suitable for use in BCD arithmetic operations (see DAA instruction for additional
adcb |
Add with Carry B |
Adds the contents of the C bit to the sum of the contents of ACCX and M
and places the result in ACCX. This instruction affects the H condition code bit so
it is suitable for use in BCD arithmetic operations (see DAA instruction for additional
adda |
Add without Carry A |
Adds the contents of M to the contents of ACCX and places the result in ACCX.
This instruction affects the H condition code bit so it is suitable for use in BCD
arithmetic operations (see DAA instruction for additional information).
addb |
Add without Carry B |
Adds the contents of M to the contents of ACCX and places the result in ACCX.
This instruction affects the H condition code bit so it is suitable for use in BCD
arithmetic operations (see DAA instruction for additional information).
addd |
Add Double Accumulator |
Adds the contents of M concatenated with M + 1 to the contents of ACCD
and places the result in ACCD. Accumulator A corresponds to the high-order half
of the 16-bit double accumulator D.
anda |
Logical AND A |
Performs the logical AND between the contents of ACCX and the contents
of M and places the result in ACCX. (Each bit of ACCX after the operation will be
the logical AND of the corresponding bits of M and of ACCX before the operation.)
andb |
Logical AND B |
Performs the logical AND between the contents of ACCX and the contents
of M and places the result in ACCX. (Each bit of ACCX after the operation will be
the logical AND of the corresponding bits of M and of ACCX before the operation.)
asl |
Arithmetic Shift Left (Same as LSL) |
Shifts all bits of the ACCX or M one place to the left. Bit 0 is loaded with a
zero. The C bit in the CCR is loaded from the most significant bit of ACCX or M.
asla |
Arithmetic Shift Left A (Same as LSLA) |
Shifts all bits of the ACCX or M one place to the left. Bit 0 is loaded with a
zero. The C bit in the CCR is loaded from the most significant bit of ACCX or M.
aslb |
Arithmetic Shift Left B (Same as LSLB) |
Shifts all bits of the ACCX or M one place to the left. Bit 0 is loaded with a
zero. The C bit in the CCR is loaded from the most significant bit of ACCX or M.
asld |
Arithmetic Shift Left Double Accumulator (Same as LSLD) |
Shifts all bits of ACCD one place to the left. Bit 0 is loaded with a zero. The
C bit in the CCR is loaded from the most significant bit of ACCD.
asr |
Arithmetic Shift Right |
asra |
Arithmetic Shift Right A |
asrb |
Arithmetic Shift Right B |
bcc |
Branch if Carry Clear (CY=0) |
bclr |
Clear Bit(s) in Memory |
bcs |
Branch if Carry Set (CY=1) |
beq |
Branch if Equal (ZR=1) |
bge |
Branch if Greater than or Equal to Zero (N||V=0) |
bgt |
Branch if Greater than Zero (ZR=0 + N=0) |
bhi |
Branch if Higher (CY+ZR=0) |
bhs |
Branch if Higher or Same (Same as BCC) (CY=0) |
bita |
Bit Test A |
bitb |
Bit Test B |
ble |
Branch if Less than or Equal to Zero (ZR=1 or N =1) |
blo |
Branch if Lower (Same as BCS) (CY=1) |
bls |
Branch if Lower or Same (CY=1 or ZR=1) |
blt |
Branch if Less than Zero (N||V=1) |
bmi |
Branch if Minus (N=1) |
bne |
Branch if Not Equal to Zero (ZR=0) |
bpl |
Branch if Plus (N=0) |
bra |
Branch Always |
brclr |
Branch if Bit(s) Clear |
brn |
Branch Never |
brset |
Branch if Bit(s) Set |
bset |
Set Bit(s) in Memory |
bsr |
Branch to Subroutine |
bvc |
Branch if Overflow Clear |
bvs |
Branch if Overflow Set |
clc |
Clear Carry |
cli |
Clear Interrupt Mask |
clr |
Clear |
clra |
Clear A |
clrb |
Clear B |
clv |
Clear Twos-Complement Overflow Bit |
cmpa |
Compare A |
cmpb |
Compare B |
com |
Complement |
coma |
Complement A |
comb |
Complement B |
cpd |
Compare Double Accumulator |
cpx |
Compare Index Register X |
cpy |
Compare Index Register Y |
daa |
Decimal Adjust ACCA |
deca |
Decrement A |
decb |
Decrement B |
des |
Decrement Stack Pointer |
dex |
Decrement Index Register X |
dey |
Decrement Index Register Y |
eora |
Exclusive-OR A |
eorb |
Exclusive-OR B |
fdiv |
Fractional Divide (D/IX; IX=Quoteint; D=Remainder) |
idiv |
Integer Divide (D/IX; IX=Quoteint; D=Remainder) |
inc |
Increment |
inca |
Increment A |
incb |
Increment B |
ins |
Increment Stack Pointer |
inx |
Increment Index Register X |
iny |
Increment Index Register Y |
jmp |
Jump |
jsr |
Jump to Subroutine |
The program counter is incremented by three or by two, depending on the
addressing mode, and is then pushed onto the stack, eight bits at a time, least significant
byte first. The stack pointer points to the next empty location in the stack.
A jump occurs to the instruction stored at the effective address. The effective address
is obtained according to the rules for EXTended, DIRect, or INDexed addressing.
ldaa |
Load Accumulator A |
ldab |
Load Accumulator B |
ldd |
Load Double Accumulator |
lds |
Load Stack Pointer |
ldx |
Load Index Register X |
ldy |
Load Index Register Y |
lsl |
Logical Shift Left (Same as ASL) |
lsla |
Logical Shift Left A (Same as ASLA) |
lslb |
Logical Shift Left B (Same as ASLB) |
lsld |
Logical Shift Left Double (Same as ASLD) |
lsr |
Logical Shift Right |
lsra |
Logical Shift Right A |
lsrb |
Logical Shift Right B |
lsrd |
Logical Shift Right Double Accumulator |
mul |
Multiply Unsigned (D=A*B) |
neg |
Negate |
nega |
Negate A |
negb |
Negate B |
nop |
No Operation |
oraa |
Inclusive-OR A |
orab |
Inclusive-OR B |
psha |
Push Data onto Stack A |
pshb |
Push Data onto Stack B |
pshx |
Push Index Register X onto Stack |
pshy |
Push Index Register Y onto Stack |
pula |
Pull Data from Stack A |
pulb |
Pull Data from Stack B |
pulx |
Pull Index Register X from Stack |
puly |
Pull Index Register Y from Stack |
rol |
Rotate Left |
rola |
Rotate Left A |
rolb |
Rotate Left B |
ror |
Rotate Right |
rora |
Rotate Right A |
rorb |
Rotate Right B |
rti |
Return from Interrupt |
rts |
Return from Subroutine |
sba |
Subtract Accumulators (A=A-B) |
sbca |
Subtract with Carry A |
sbcb |
Subtract with Carry B |
sec |
Set Carry |
sei |
Set Interrupt Mask |
sev |
Set Twos Complement Overflow Bit |
staa |
Store Accumulator A |
stab |
Store Accumulator B |
std |
Store Double Accumulator |
stop |
Stop Processing |
sts |
Store Stack Pointer |
stx |
Store Index Register X |
sty |
Store Index Register Y |
suba |
Subtract A |
subb |
Subtract B |
subd |
Subtract Double Accumulator |
swi |
Software Interrupt |
tab |
Transfer from Accumulator A to Accumulator B |
tap |
Transfer from Accumulator A to Condition Code Register |
tba |
Transfer from Accumulator B to Accumulator A |
tpa |
Transfer from Condition Code Register to Accumulator A |
tst |
Test |
tsta |
Test A |
tstb |
Test B |
tsx |
Transfer from Stack Pointer to Index Register X |
tsy |
Transfer from Stack Pointer to Index Register Y |
txs |
Transfer from Index Register X to Stack Pointer |
tys |
Transfer from Index Register Y to Stack Pointer |
wai |
Wait for Interrupt |
xgdx |
Exchange Double Accumulator and Index Register X |
xgdy |
Exchange Double Accumulator and Index Register Y |